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A hybrid of Zen Shiatsu, Thai Yoga Massage, and osteopathic technique braided together with the art of presence and focused intention. Experience a nurturing hands-on touch, a practice that invites you to experience the power of both receiving and letting go. It can help calm, release muscular tension, mobilise joints, move and increase vital energies. The massage is on a mat on the floor, fully clothed in loose comfortable clothes & without oil.

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Brooklyn grew up in Aotearoa (New Zealand), in a beach town with her mum, sister and grandparents. After many years dedicated to swimming and ocean sports came university, travel, then yoga and now Zenthai.
But it is the stories of her ancestors, the sun, the stars, soils and salt waters of the south pacific that stain her skin and run through her veins. Modalities of movement, touch, deep listening and indigenous healing have been the gifts she and her people have received for generations. Her work, her offerings started as a way to connect to them, her tupuna (ancestors) & wairua (spirit) .